Countryside Disc



The following image shows the cover page for both the Countryside Disc box and the Countryside disc manual:

The Countyside Disc graphics

Purpose of the AIV disc

Excerpt from the user manual:

The Countryside Disc is a two sided videodisc which will introduce you to many aspects of today's countryside:

  • Agriculture
  • The Environment
  • The Rural Community

There are three  different approaches to the subject:

This section of the videodisc is found on Side Two and is intended as a simple introduction for non-specialist users. You will be able to look at two fifteen minute introductory films examining upland farming or lowland farming which raise a number of issues about today's countryside. As the film runs a keyword index will appear alongside the picture. Selecting the keyword of your choice will take you to text and still photographs which will give you more detail about the particular issue.

Side One of the videodisc contains an extensive and complex simulation of a farm and its surrounding area. The simulation will allow you to explore some of the issues facing the countryside today. You will be able to look around, find out more information about the area and choose what to do. Users will have to consider many issues relating to agriculture, the environment and to the rural community. You will receive feedback on the actions you choose. The simulation is completely free and you can do as much or as little as you like.

There is a large database of over 9,000 items about the countryside today. Information is available as charts, maps, photographs and text and can be retrieved using a keyword or via a thesaurus. On the whole it is anticipated that the database will be used by people who already have knowledge of the countryside and a familiarity with its problems.

Introduction video

The Laser Video disc

The Countryside disc - side 1
The Countryside disc - side 2

The Countryside Disc user manual

The user manual is available in the following PDF document:

Countryside disc user guide