You can download a copy of the VP415 Operating Instructions from the following link:
Philips VP415 Operating Instructions (1.63 MBytes)
You can download a copy of the VP415 Service manual from the following link:
Philips VP415 Service Manual (high resolution 85 MBytes)
The Philips VP415 contains several EPROMs on the various circuit modules. The list of EPROMs (and their purpose) is as follows:
- Module R:
- 6803 - Drive
- Module S:
- 6804 - Control
- Module W:
- 6805 - LV-DOS EPROM #1
- 6806 - LV-DOS EPROM #2
- 6807 - Descrambler
- 6808 - Sync
A survey of the various ROM software releases is shown in the service manual including the checksums for the images (use Checksum-16 in HXD hex-editor to confirm them). The various releases are shown in the following diagram:
Note: The checksum for LVDOS#1 version 1.4 is incorrect in the service manual and should be 0x8F90.
ROM Images
The following zip file contains all of the ROM images collected so far. The file name includes the Philips identifier for the ROM, the module name, the version number and the Checksum-16 checksum value for the image:
D8041AHC Slave-CPU images
The Philips VP415 has 8041 slave-CPUs on both the control module (S) and the CPU module (W). The 8041 contains 1Kbyte of internal OTP ROM. The following zip file contains a dump of each 8041's internal ROM in Intel HEX format:
VP415 Module S and W 8041 Slave CPU images
VP415 Panels
The following photograph shows the front panel of the VP415:
The following photograph shows the rear of the VP415 including the various ports and DIP switches for configuration: