Domesday86 is launched!

Domesday86 is a project that aims to recreate the experience of the original BBC Domesday project using modern hardware and software.  On this site you will find a growing collection of documentation for the original Acorn/BBC Domesday project as well as details of the Domesday86 project itself including sub-projects such as BeebSCSI.

Frame 00211 from Community South

The basic aim of the Domesday86 project is to create both hardware and software to allow the access and use of the Acorn Domesday system (i.e. AIV - Advanced Interactive Video) without the need for specialist (and rare) parts of the original AIV set-up.  Beginning with BeebSCSI (a hardware device that provides both ADFS SCSI and LV-DOS VFS SCSI support), Domesday86 aims to provide a complete suite of tools and utilities focused on the Acorn BBC and BBC Master range of 8-bit computers for viewing, analysing and using all of the AIV LaserVision discs, especially the 'Domesday' discs.

In addition, this site aims to provide a comprehensive set of documentation for the original hardware covering design, operation and maintenance of the original AIV equipment such as the Philips VP415 LaserVision disc player.